Different Structural Variations Available In Bearing Pillow Block

Bearing Pillow Block

The function of the different bearings includes reducing the friction between the various parts of the machine and allowing easy movements of the different parts within the machine. There are different types of bearings available that help in different functions and different motions. The selection of these bearings depends on the individual specific requirements.

Variations in pillow block bearing:

There are different variations related to these bearing pillow blocks based on their applications, housing types, the material used, types of bearings, etc. The different variations include:

Housing types: There are different types of housings available in these types of bearing and each has its unique features. The zinc die-cast housing is non-corrosive and lightweight. The housing made from the pressed steel consists of two pieces having rust-proof finishing. The stainless steel type of housing is used in wet and corrosive environments.

Applications: There are various applications for which these bearings are used. These include the food processing machines, conveyors, belt drivers in HVAC applications, material handling belts, baggage systems, light-duty industrial applications, and medical processing.

Materials used: Different type of material is used for the housing and the bearing. The strength and durability depend on the material used for its construction. Common materials used for the housing include aluminium, pressed steel, cast iron, stainless steel, plastic, and polymer. The material used for the bearings includes sintered metals, stainless steel, graphite-metal alloy, and plastic.

Types of bearings: These variations depend on the need and applications. Plain bearings having high performance with frictionless motion. Ball bearings have a high load-carrying capacity due to the presence of the outer and the inner ring providing frictionless motion. Roller bearing uses cylindrical bearings that enhance the durability and load-bearing capacity. Needle roller bearings are similar to roller bearings but having smaller cylinders resembling the needles.

Proper selection of the bearing:

The selection of the proper bearing depends majorly on the application for which it is to be used. For these, it is important to select the bearing pillow block of proper dimension based on the following different criteria that include a selection of proper shaft diameter, proper shaft height, optimum shaft size, selection of the bearing based on the maximum speed required and based on maximum load-bearing capacity required.

Considering all the different variations available for these bearings, it is important to select the bearing wisely based on the different parameters. Proper selection of the bearing dimension leads to gaining the best benefits.

When you search online you can find a wide range of bearing pillow block. Nevertheless consult an expert before you choose the bearing for this elements determines the life span and smooth functioning of your machineries.

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