Rising Demand For Study Growth In AP And Telangana - Colleges In Telangana


Colleges in Telangana| Image Resource : collegechalo.com

The states of AP (Andhra Pradesh) and Telangana are major contributors to India's study-abroad market. Around 12% - 14% of students aspiring to study abroad come from these two states. Students are applying for courses offered by universities in Michigan, Texas, California, Missouri, Connecticut, Illinois, New York and New Jersey.

South Asia's largest student enrollment organisation is hosting 25 US universities in Hyderabad. The organisation represents 450 US universities and over 900 global institutions. These university representatives will meet the college advisors, students and study-abroad consultants from these two states. The focus will be on sharing information about new courses, scholarships and placement opportunities.

The representatives will visit Hyderabad to engage with students and increase the number of students interested in studying abroad. They will share information on student well-being and safety. The organisation has processed above 1.6 lac applications in Fall 2023 - 24 and more than 60% are from these two states. The number of students is expected to increase for the next Fall intake.

Most students are from cities like Hyderabad, Guntur, Vizaj and Vijayawada. The Tier II - II cities have also shown growth like Nelloere and Tirupati. Nellore experienced a 121% rise and Tirupati saw a 137% increase in applicants. This shows how international education has reached smaller towns. The students from colleges in Telangana and AP are increasingly opting for global opportunities.

STEM courses like data science and computer science dominate student's choices but non-STEM courses are also preferred like health science and psychology. European destinations have also become popular choices among the students though the US remains the first choice. This is due to diverse education courses and emerging opportunities.

Student recruitment

The founder and director of the organisation, Mr. Abhijit Zaveri said that they are committed to providing educational opportunities in the states of AP and Telangana. The two states have emerged as main centres and there has been a significant rise in the number of students from the Tier II - II cities. Their organisation offers guidance to the students of this region.

He further said that students are increasingly opting for undergraduate courses and the number of students opting for European institutions is increasing. The organisation will continue to support this trend and ensure that the students get the best education and employment opportunities. The organisation also collaborates with the universities for financial aid and student loans to help the students get higher education.

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