What Do The PCI DSS Service Providers Offer?

PCI DSS Service Providers
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is also called PCI DSS. It is a set of data security standards to be followed globally for account data protection. It has to be followed by all the organizations involved in storing, processing and transmitting cardholder data. It includes merchants, processors, issuers, users and service providers.
To provide PCI DSS compliance the service providers need to be PCI Quality Security Assessor (QSA) with the PCI Security Standard Council. The QSAs can provide quality, risk and compliance services. The PCI DSS service providers can offer assessment services globally. PCI DSS includes security management, policies and procedures, network design, designing software and data protection measures.
How to get the PCI DSS certification from a service provider?
All the processes within a business are considered like capture, authorization, settlement and chargeback.
The gaps in business control are determined as per PCI DSS. The assessment helps in the budget justification of the compliance programme.
The process helps to find the areas that need immediate attention and how to avoid the security breaches.
The security weaknesses within the business environment are identified using scans and tests.
Finding the impact the weakness will have on the client and how to prevent the threat.
Using tools to get insight and patterns of the sensitive data stored in the business systems. This helps to secure the business from any data breaches.
The service provider will offer plans, support and an offline audit based on the tests.
An onsite audit is conducted to validate the controls implemented.
The Report of Compliance, Attestation of Compliance and Certificate of Compliance are given by the provider.
How will you benefit with PCI DSS?
The main benefit is that it will improve the security of the business for cardholder data and cardholder data environments.
The business will be PCI DSS compliance stature and this will help to build its reputation.
It will lead to customer satisfaction and build trust with the customers.
It will help to reduce the risk of data breach and help to avoid costly fines.
Being PCI DSS compliant will showcase the business as committed to protecting the customer data.